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Self-Care During the
Job Search  

Created by: Lucy Freshour, Keirstin Lincoln, and
Ryan Michelsen

Job Search Self-Care: Meditation is what you make of it

Couple Meditating

Job Search Self-Care: Stress Management

Couple Meditating

Job Search Self-Care: Making Time for You

Couple Meditating

Job Search Self-Care: Interview Mindfulness

Couple Meditating

Job Search Self-Care: Self-Compassion

Couple Meditating

Job Search Self-Care: Emotional Resilience

Couple Meditating
Viewing Tip: Once opened, watch in "PRESENTATION MODE" to hear audio 
Viewing Tip: Once opened, watch in "PRESENTATION MODE" to hear audio 
Viewing Tip: Once opened, watch in "PRESENTATION MODE" to hear audio 
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